Environmental policy — MEGA-STROY

Environmental policy

Environmental policy The MEGASTROY LLC operation is related to the industrial impact on the environment, therefore the company is consistently working to strengthen its internal environmental policy. Conscious of this responsibility, MEGASTROY has assumed responsibilities to protect the environment, which is reflected in its environmental policy. The environmental policy of MEGASTROY is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of environment protection and rational use of natural resources. The goal of MEGASTROY’s environmental policy is to continuously improve the environment by reducing the negative impact of pollution during the provision of services to ensure the performance of types of work that affect the safety of capital construction facilities. Personnel policy The success of MEGASTROY company is made by its employees! Qualified, proactive, highly motivated people aimed at intensive high-quality work are considered as the main wealth of the company and the most important source of its competitive performance. In the field of personnel management, MEGASTROY solves the following tasks: creating the working environment based on mutual respect and encouraging employees’ abilities development. developing personnel motivation system that allows every employee to look forward to career growth providing employees with training and professional development opportunities. One of the important activities of the company is an active social policy. All specialists and workers at the construction site are provided with decent living conditions, high-quality subsidized meals, medical care and overalls. The corporate culture and personnel policy of MEGASTROY is aimed at emphasizing that a company employee is part of a large, close-knit and professional team capable of solving the most complex tasks.

